Having taken photos of this small Butterfly i used The Readers Digest Book on Britains Wildlife,Plants and And Flowers to find out the Butterfly's Name and habitat

I spent a morning at Bluebell Woods between Tatenhill and Marchington on a fine bright Good Friday to try and capture Bluebells but found them a bit dissapointing as we have not had much rain recently i think they had gone past their best,but not put of by this minor problem i started to look for other things to photograph with what equipment i had taken with me.So with my NikonD300s fitted with my Nikon Macro lense 2.8/105m i came across this Orange Tip Butterfly,so with the camera on a tripod and a cordless remote already set up i got as close as i could without frightening it of and also not treddind all over the vegitation that was all around ,this first shot was taken with the sun to my left and with a shutter speed of 1/500 sec at f/5 at 105m with an ISO of 200.For me i think it is over exsposed so the the photos below were taken with a faster shutter speed of 1/800sec which appear much better.

This photo is being ruined by the Pink flower covering the Butterfly,none of these photos have been cropped which on reflection i should of done first but when enlarging them the clours and details are quite sharp .
Really nice, shame it could not have picked a better flower to land on as you say but still really good. Deb