A day out at Blacktoft Sands Nr Goole .My first sighting of an Avocet protecting 3 chicks,and they were not frightened of any intruders including white eagrets,and even Marsh harriers .all photos were taken hand held with a Nikon d300s with a Nikon 80/400 telephoto lense with an iso of 320 in dodgy light ie grey skys and no sun ,as the photos below show the adult Avocet would not settle and flew at anything and if the light had have been better the photos would of been a lot sharper too,but a little work on some levels in photoshop will probably brighten them up.

Here a white eagret enterd into the terrortry and soon got usherd away even though the Eagret was the bigger bird .

Quite a rare bird her the Green shank not as common as the brighter Red Shank

Another different one for me a Spoonbill ,i struggled with this one as i could not get any closer (i need a bigger lense)

Yet another new spot for me a Marsh Harrier taking a paddle or scavaging for prey ,again a bigger lense would of been better as i am pushing my 400 mlense to its limits and also hand held at this distance is no mean feat.

The Red Shank here is more common than the Green Shank and as you can see the plumage is a lot brighter as are the legs and beak.

A Blacktailed Godwit just mulling around takin it easy .

Red Shank searching in the shallows for food ,like most Waders it was moving around all the time hunting for its next meal.

Another Blacktailed Godwit joins the rest from the back then walks on in to the rest


And finally a Female reed Bunting probably my best shot of the day as it composed it self perfectly on a leaf with enough distance in front of the vegitation for me to blur out the background, and capture for me, the best of the day
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