These are a selection of pages from Guy Edwardes (100 ways to take better Nature & Wildlife Photographs) which i have put in to practise with some of my shots.

Having researched his book on numerous occasions i still go back to it for more to refresh what i have forgot or what my next trip will need.

Not only does he explain the way to take your photograph but also what approach and all the Legal side of it too,as some places might need a license to to take photo's for the welfare of the birds or plants you are after as they may be endangerd and need protection .

This was certainly helpful when i was after Bullfinches because i was having trouble getting the shot of the Male bird with its striking colours but after a few weeks of taking photos and watching the Male and Female i was soon getting to Know that the Male was soon following the Female as if she tested the the area first and if it was safe the Male would also come into the Area.

Setting up a feeding station was the best article i have read to date as i would of never have got the shots of the Nuthatch earlier in my Blog,and it is so simple to do after a bit of research into the Nuthatches area and flight lines,I had watched a Nuthatch for weeks before i had read the book,and i could not get close to the bird so armed with some tape and some nuts i set up a feeding station and within ten minutes the Nuthatch was eating the nuts ans landing on a weathered,moss coverd log i had placed behind the nuts which it landed on first and just long enough to take a photo but it didn't work firstly so persiverence was needed and it paid of as it may be one of my best shots to date.

Here common sense prevails really as approaching Wildlife in any form has to be the rule as not to spook it or damage any nesting sites as you approach your subject as many Birdsd nest on the ground and a clumsy approach may lead to treading on or disturbing the Bird.

Here a another good tip when cropping my photo's i now leave room for the Bird or Insect to move into i also like to but not always happens is if at all possible is to shoot my object looking to the right as we in this country read from left to right .

Another cracing peace of information i have now started to look whats behind the image, i am taking as not to get any distractions in front or behind the image which spoils the shot, as i like to take un photo shopped photo's it has to be right first time and not aided with a computer other than cropping.
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