The Whitethroat is another summer visitor and this one winters in the Sahara and is quite common to our shores during the summer months,these were taken at Attenborouh nature reserve near Nottingham. They were taken hand held with my Nikon D300s with a Nikon 80/400 telephoto lens set at F5.6 at 1/640sec at 400m with an ISO of 400,once again there were plenty of branches and leafs getting in the way but i managed to get a few decent shots without scaring the bird of .

I particually like this shot as the Whitethroat sings away but there are too many distactions in the shot and it was noy easy to focus on the bird as it was in much darker settings i have had to crop this photo so much i feel lucky that it has kept its pixels ,perhaps a little brighter may have made it clearer but i like it and thats that
ReplyDeleteThe whitethroat tend to a little easier as it often sings from perches and higher vantage points and tends to flit about more in the open than the warblers found near reed beds. Great clear images which will only require a small amount of post production in photoshop.
ReplyDeleteYou say you have cropped these images I am interested by how much, as you say yourself you may have lost quality.
ReplyDeleteThe top image of the whitethroat is outstanding!
I admire the last....good composition...