This is by far the most hardest Bird i have tried to capture with a camera ,hand held in a hide at Attenbouorgh nature reserve near Nottingham ,it would not keep still and flew of every time i moved the camera .I was in good light outside the hide and bad light inside the hide so i was indecisive as what the settings should be ,so i went with an ISO400 at F6.3 so the lens was fairly open and a shutter speed of 1/640th at 400m
As you can see there was far to much going on all around the Bird and it was very difficult to get a clear shot of the Bird in open view.

This is possibly the best of a bad bunch but with Wildlife and Birds you can not tell what will happen next and so trying to get a shot at some of the subjects can sometimes be disappointing but i will try again as they are here for the summer months from Africa.
ReplyDeleteI was wondering when you would get onto the more secretive african warblers. These birds are often hidden skulking in reeds of bushes and getting a clear shot can be very difficult.
I agree, how You even get this close...I like this bird but never hear it in England....I really like the last image its something about a feel around a bird it makes it stand out...