A young Dunnock often called a Hedgesparrow but is not a true sparrow according to (readers digest book of Britains wildlife,plants and flowers ).Ispotted this young bird perched on a branch in good light at Attenborough nature reserve near Nottingham ,it was quite happy with my presence and so i set my Nikon D300s with a Nikon 80/400 telephoto lense onto a tripod and used a cordless remote shutter release to capture these pictures. I chose an ISOat400 with an aperture of f5.6at 1/1250sec at 400m .

Here as the Dunnock practised its flying technique i was able to get the shot without any branches in the way and i then decided to try and get the bird in the middle of the three yellow branches that were around the Dunnock as if to get a picture frame around the bird.

Here i failed miserably

And again but getting closer

Finally the last two were in the frame without any distractions.
I just wondering, how many bird photographs you already have....you should go places....I bet Bald eagle will be quite impressive model